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Submission Criteria

Studies related to the theme of the Congress are particularly encouraged, but presentations on any topic are welcome. You are invited to submit abstracts for research presentations, posters, or symposia that meet either the first or second criterion:

  • experimental, clinical, or theoretical presentations that have an explicit psychoanalytic or psychodynamic component and either (a) a link to neuroscientific or a neuropsychoanalytic body of thought; or (b) an explicit neurobiological or neuropsychological aspect, such as brain injury, pharmacological treatment, or neurophysiological, psychophysiological, or experimental psychology measures; or

  • brief psychoanalytic case vignettes with non-neurological patients that illustrate a successful intervention, perspective, or other technical approach informed by neuropsychoanalysis, or conversely, instances where an explicit change in clinical technique based on a neuropsychoanalytic hypotheses was counter-productive; or brief clinical vignettes of impasses, treatment-resistant difficulties, and other clinical challenges that can be the basis for multi-modal discussants to explore new insights that could emerge from interdisciplinary exploration.

Presentations will be considered from those able to attend the Congress in person.

Additional Details

Oral Presentations: These will be given in slots ranging in time from 10-20 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of Q&A.


Symposia (duration 1.5 - 2 hours): these should have either 4 presenters, or 3 presenters and one discussant.


Posters: There will be a prize for 'Best Poster,' selected by the Congress participants.

Abstracts are due by Tuesday, February 14, 2023

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